Landmark Annotation Services

With the cutting age technologies, we have now started using facial recognisation and gesture controls. Think about simple facalities of you smartphone like face unlock or wave a hand to caputure a photograph. Plotting a sequence of points to generate accurate datasets determining the shape of varied sized objects allowing detection the smaller objects for computer vision is called Landmark Annotation which is used for annotating key poits on the object, face or locations by drawing sequence of points to determine the shape and sizes and labling it. This also defines actual density of the object within a specified area and helps to better understand the movement trajectory of key points while targeted object is in motion like computer vision can measure the posture of athletics in group or individual sports while playing a game. We, Uniworld Outsourcing, with our expert staff is capable to transform the raw data into the objects of interest with superlative accuracy at affordable cost.

Landmark Annotation Outsourcing

We, Uniworld Outsourcing, with our expert staff is capable to transform the raw data into the objects of interest with superlative accuracy at affordable cost.