SGML Conversion Services

SGML is abbreviation of Standard Generalized Mark-up Language which is a mark-up language basically used by several organizations to aid in the creation, management, storage, and delivery of their information around the globe. It enables business to deal with big data easily with the task of storing, searching, and retrieving information from it. SGML, unlike HTML and XML uses feature called as content tagging which includes OMITTAG, RANKS, CONCUR, SUBDOC and DATATAG and focuses on precise, specific, and effective structure using these tags. The process of developing an SGML document requires to procedures to be followed

We, Uniword OS, with rich experience in the niche can convert your data form of images, catalogs, brochures, books, manuscripts etc. to be converted into a format that is relevant for your business required format which can be transferred to the internet as well as is a printable with superlative output at affordable cost.

Benefits Of Outsourcing SGML Conversion Services To Uniworld Outsourcing

We, Uniword OS, with rich experience in the niche can convert your data form of images, catalogs, brochures, books, manuscripts etc.

  • Analysing data and developing DTD (Document Type Definitions) /Schema
  • Developing and writing SGML conversion specification
  • Implementing Soft wares for SGML processing
  • Proofing, Validation and QC Audits
  • Conversion of industrial documents, Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias
  • Graphical data conversion
  • SGML to Excel conversion service
  • Conversion of microfiche, microfilms, print files and electronic documents
  • Scientific Books and Journals, Equations, Graphics & Tables
  • SGML to Pagination and Conversions
  • SGML to Different Storage Media Publishing

SGML Conversion Outsourcing

SGML, unlike HTML and XML uses feature called as content tagging which includes OMITTAG, RANKS, CONCUR, SUBDOC and DATATAG and focuses on precise, specific, and effective structure using these tags.